Helpful Links

The internet can be a vast sea of helpful and not-so-helpful opinions and voices in regard to counseling and mental health; combing through all of this information can be exhausting. We created this page to serve as a helpful starting point to finding some useful resources.


Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (counseling-topics-related resources which aim to be Christ-centered, practical, and biblically sound)

Biblical Counseling Coalition (blog, updated daily, covering a multitude of topics related to counseling, mental health, Christianity, and popular culture)

Association of Biblical Counselors (blogs and articles covering various topics related to counseling, mental health, Christianity, and popular culture)

Diane Langberg, PhD (blogs, articles, and other resources created and curated by a practicing psychologist whose clinical expertise includes 50 years of working with trauma survivors and clergy. Dr. Langberg speaks internationally on topics related to women, trauma, ministry and the Christian life)


Some of our favorite articles which deal with common topics in biblical counseling:

"Affirmations & Denials: A Proposed Definition of Biblical Counseling" - David Powlison

"What Is Biblical Counseling, Anyway?" - Ed Welch

"Abuse and the Imago Dei: Towards a Theological Understanding of Domestic Abuse" - Greg Wilson


The Place We Find Ourselves - The Place We Find Ourselves podcast features private practice therapist Adam Young (LCSW, MDiv) and interview guests as they discuss all things related to story, trauma, attachment, and interpersonal neurobiology.